Probably should reply to plug-talk on this one.

-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG <> On Behalf Of Chuck Hast
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2023 8:12 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group <>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Zoneminder server build instructions

>Based on what I see of the news in PDX, looks like PDX has pretty much given 
>the bad guys free range...  I >was back there in July of 2021 doing work in 
>Pioneer Squaire Mall, it was a sad sight to see how much >downtown had been 
>destroyed by those people.

It's not the cops it's the courts that are the problem.  The cops bring them in 
and the courts let them out often just drop the charges.  The courts constantly 
complain about not having enough people and so on.

There was a period for about 8 years that if the cops pulled over a stolen 
vehicle in Oregon the driver could simply claim that "a dude loaned me this 
vehicle I didn't know it was stolen"  Then when they asked him who "the dude" 
was, he would just say "some guy over in that homeless camp over there.  But he 
isn't there right now and no I don't know his name"

And they would not be able to charge him with car theft.  Seriously.  
Willamette Week did a whole expose on it and still it took 2 years for them to 
close that loophole.

The other problem is even if they convict them they have no space for them.  
The voters approved money for a new jail and they built it, Wapato.  Then one 
of the county commissioners - Gretchen Kafoury - got a bug up her ass that "oh 
it's cruel to put drug users in jail" and for like 15 years blocked every 
effort to fund it's operations.  When she died her DAUGHTER, Deborah Kafoury, 
kept up the same bullshit when she got the same office, and even publicly swore 
at the county commissioner who booted her out of office, although Deborah did 
manage to divert 2 million dollars of county money into buying 22 thousand 
(yes, 22,000)  _tents_ and distributing them to the homeless for free.  That 
way I guess the homeless could shoot up without anyone seeing them.

Finally they sold it, it's now been renamed "Bybee Lakes Hope Center" and it is 
a homeless shelter.  Apparently the homeless don't think it's cruel to be put 
in a former jail and get 3 hots and a cot and a roof over their head.  And most 
of them are homeless due to being drug users so the jail is now housing drug 
users despite the county commissioner's bullcrap.   You literally can't make 
this shit up.   Here's the website for it:

To be perfectly fair not all homeless (not even the majority) are criminal.  
But their camps and everything else they do gives cover for the real druggies 
and criminals and taggers.


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