Priority populations: "Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC),
seniors, LGBTQIA+, immigrants and
refugees, houseless or housing insecure, foster youth, domestic
violence survivors, people impacted by
incarceration, people with disabilities, and those living in poverty"

On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 3:40 PM Russell Senior
<> wrote:
> I'm involved with a grant funded project in which Personal Telco Project is 
> to indoctrinate a few people in Community Networking serving a target 
> population. We want people who are members of the target population, but in 
> order to meet the project goals we feel like they need to start with a basic 
> familiarity with Linux command line, since basically every part of the 
> network management will require it. Our partners are concerned they won't be 
> able to find anyone with the starting skills we have asked for. As someone 
> for whom the Year of the Linux Desktop has been every year since 1993, I have 
> trouble understanding their concern. We are only looking for a few people in 
> the Portland metro area, and there are certainly a few such people here, it 
> is just a matter of finding them and funneling them towards the entrance 
> gate. We aren't in charge of selecting people, but given our partners 
> concerns it seems appropriate to help them recruit potential candidates, and 
> PLUG seems like a good place to start looking.
> I have thought about asking local community colleges that teach Linux skills.
> Any other thoughts?
> --
> Russell Senior, President

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