On Sat, 2005-04-09 at 21:34 -0600, C. Ed Felt wrote:

>    1. Synchronizing Outlook Calendar, email etc. with my Pocket PC.  I
>       live on it as a book reader, planner etc (save the trees :-) ).

If you went with a Palm-based PDA, you would have more success in this
department.  I sync my Evolution Calendar, Tasks, etc with my Sony Clie.

>    2. Reconfiguring wireless on my laptop every time I sit down on a new
>       wireless network is not something I have time to do.

What flavor of Linux have you run?  I am using SuSE 9.3 with Gnome 2.10
and there is a nice little applet (netapplet) that allows you to easily
switch between wired and wireless.  It also detects nearby access points
and provides a nice interface to configure each one.

>    3. This may seem trite (and it's hard to explain):
>       I use a program in Windows called "canman".  It runs in my system
>       tray.  Commands I commonly use, passwords, user names, little
>       snippets of code, are all stored here.  To access a command I
>       simply right click on the CanMan program in the system tray to
>       selected my stored command, and viola, it is in my copy buffer,
>       ready to use in the program I am working on or to post a command
>       to the putty session I may be in.  I have tried and tested many
>       different programs to find something similar, but all to no avail.

This would be a fairly simple application to write although you are
probably right that there isn't anything equivalent already out there
(although you could probably come close with lots of aliases for the cli

I've been using SuSE as my primary desktop now for about a year and a
half and haven't looked back.  Sure, there are hickups along the way
(like I still can't get my 3D working -- that's an Nvidia issue), but by
and by, it's still a better option that Windows.


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