On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 10:31 -0600, Daniel Timpson wrote:
> At this point I'm resolved to just reinstall everything on the new
> hard drive and copy my files over but there has got to be an easier
> way than spending hours doing a reinstall, not to mention all of the
> custom tweaks and configurations.

If this is a one-time deal, manually moving (copying) linux to the new
partition is relatively easy.  My method works from a live CD or you can
do it in place from  the running linux distro.  I've done this several
times to move my linux install to a new disk (3 times to be exact).
There's something to be said for fresh installs, though.  But anyway,
here's what I do:

1. create the new partition schemes on the new drive
2. mount the new partitions.  Be sure to mount things like boot and var
into the new root tree. 
3. rsync -ravH everything from / except /proc, /sys, /mnt (or wherever
you mounted the new drive), and anything that is an external mount or a
virtual file system to the directory where the new drive is mounted.
4. tweak fstab and grub.conf on the new drive if your partition scheme
5. chroot to the new drive and run grub-install to put the boot loader
in.  Alternatively you can make a boot cd or boot floppy to get the new
drive going and then do the grub-install.  Sometimes grub-install fails
in the chroot
6.  Pull the old drive, make the new drive primary


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| This has been a P.L.U.G. mailing. |
|      Don't Fear the Penguin.      |
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