On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Charles Curley wrote:
That said, I think it's possible to write a decent vi plugin for Eclipse
that gives you the best of both worlds.

There may be another way to handle this. You can set emacs to reload a
buffer if its file changes. I found that very useful when working in
Visual Studio, way back when (don't ask), and for sundry other
purposes. If you can set Eclipse and vi to do the same, you can toggle
between the two as needed.

You can, and I do that on occasion when I need to make a lot of "text editing" changes. However, what I *really* want is the ability to move around text with hjkl and edit with the usual vim keystrokes *and* have auto-complete, syntax highlighting, refactoring, automatic building, and all the other niceties of Eclipse *while* I'm editing vimmishly. (Of course vim has some of those features, either built-in or available as plugins, but I'm talking about fully integrated goodness.) That's also why I'm not really interested in simply being able to embed vim inside of my Eclipse window.

        ~ Ross

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