On Nov 3, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Jacob Fugal wrote:

I think the first bullet has to do not with the structure of the
statement, just the syntax. It does appear rather hard to follow to
me, and python is a language that prides itself (and I think rightly
so, in most cases) in readability. Compare the same approach -- even
if not equivalent in code -- in Ruby:

   range = (1...nums.length)
   nums = nums.map{ |item| Integer(item) }
   nums.inject{ |x,y| (range === (x - y).abs) ? y : raise)
   print "match"
   print "not a match"

I much prefer the use of the ternary operator (in limited cases like
this) over an "x and y or z" approach. I also prefer the explicit
exception, like you.

Clearly, breaking the steps out into intermediate calculations makes it look a little cleaner, but it doesn't really change the syntax used (aside from adding variable assignment syntax, which is rather non-functional). Python doesn't have the ternary operator (what I called a conditional expression). This means you pretty much have to use and/or for inline conditionals, as far as I know.

What this boils down to is that Python isn't terribly friendly to a functional programming style, even though it has a lot of the features that make it possible. It just starts to get a little ugly, though I think it's probably still fairly clear if you're used to it.

On the second bullet, why not something like:

 print(value and 'match' or 'not a match')

That's probably clearer and faster, but the original didn't strike me as shooting offense. :)


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