With Ubuntu, you'll probably first need to install lvm.  Once you've done
that run

# vgscan
 Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
 Found volume group "gen" using metadata type lvm2
 Found volume group "os" using metadata type lvm2

I have two.  If I want to then activate that device then I run:

# vgchange -a y gen

Afterwhich I'll have a device like so

# lvdisplay gen
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name                /dev/gen/share
 VG Name                gen
.. snip ..
 Block device           253:2

Note the LV Name line, that corresponds to what can be considered your
device.  Mount it as normal

mount /dev/gen/share /mnt

And you are up and running.



On 1/12/07, Corey Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 15:42 -0700, Daniel wrote:
> I had a dual boot laptop - Windows/Fedora.  I wanted to play with
> Ubuntu last weekend.  Long story short I shrunk the Windows partition
> and since I could only partition the hard drive in four I used the new
> partition for Ubuntu and I used the swap for Fedora.  I want to get
> the data from the Fedora partition, but it is says "unknown filesystem
> type 'LVM2_member'".  How can I get data from the Fedora partition?

It sounds like Fedora used LVM (Logical Volume Management) for its root
partition. If so, you will have to mount the LVM volumes rather than the
physical partitions. See if "lvscan" returns a list. If so, mount those
volumes up instead and you should have your data.


        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# lvscan
          ACTIVE            '/dev/vg0/home' [30.00 GB] inherit
          ACTIVE            '/dev/vg0/swap0' [1.50 GB] inherit


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