I am working on a home theater in my brother-in-laws house. We ran composite, HDMI, and a blue rough in conduit, to where his projector is. The HDMI cable does 1080p with no degradation as far as I can tell. The blue conduit is fairly cheap, but can be a pain if you are running a lot, especially with wood framing.
I have read in several places recently that there is no difference between expensive HDMI cabels and the cheaper kinds. Most things I have read state that since the signal is digital and won't degrade, either the cable works or it is broken. It won't matter if you by $100 Monster cables or $20 cables from monoprice.
Where the heck did you find a 30ft HDMI cable for $20. I have a wholesale account and it cost me $89 the cheapest retail that we could find was about $200. Suffice to say, some cables there are differences with the expensive ones, and some have no difference, so make sure that you are watching what cables you are using. /* PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug Don't fear the penguin. */