On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Kenneth Burgener wrote:

I got around to trying this today, but when I run my program I get an
error saying:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# su -l myuser -c "/usr/myapp/myprogram"
"This account is currently not available."

Originally I created this user in /etc/passwd as follows:


When I changed the shell parameter to:


I was able to run the fine, and it showed up in the 'ps' list as running
as myuser:

# ps aux
myuser  2470 0.0 0.0 5956 372 ? Ss 16:36 0:00 /usr/myapp/myprogram

and all files created by 'myprogram' are created as the 'myuser'
program, which is what I wanted.  But I wonder if having the 'myuser'
with a default shell (and no password) would be a security hole, and
possibly allow someone to SSH to my box using this user account.  I
noticed all other daemon users have "/sbin/nologin" as their default
shell, and I assume they do this for a reason.

Should I be concerned with this?

Yes, be very concerned.

What was the IP of that machine again?  ;)

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