Charles Curley wrote:
Customers?!? Customers don't know squat about good software. If they
did, they'd be writing the project themselves. Why would I ever want
to talk to them?

I agree 100%. From Joel Spolsky:

Customers Don't Know What They Want. Stop Expecting Customers to Know What They Want.

More pertinent wisdom from the article:

Put yourself in [the customer's] shoes. Imagine that you've just made $100,000,000 selling your company to Yahoo!, and you've decided that it's about time to renovate your kitchen. So you hire an expert architect with instructions to make it "as cool as Will and Grace's Kitchen." You have no idea how to accomplish this. You don't know that you want a Viking stove and a Subzero refrigerator -- these are not words in your vocabulary. You want the architect to do something good, that's why you hired him.

The Extreme Programming folks say that the solution to this is to get the customer in the room and involve them in the design process every step of the way, as a member of the development team. This is, I think, a bit too "extreme." It's as if my architect made me show up while they were designing the kitchen and asked me to provide input on every little detail. It's boring for me, if I wanted to be an architect I would have become an architect.


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