A while back I posted about a situation where I have a computer that
sites simultaneously on the BYU private and public networks.  Someone
mentioned that linux shouldn't have a problem with this because packets
just know to go back out the interface they came in on.  This turns out
to be untrue.

When I first set up the machine, with the default route set to be the
private network, any traffic that arrived in on the public interface
would have responses sent out the private interface, since that was the
default route.  When  I set the default route to be the public
interface, then outside computers could ping it again, but not people on
the private network.

The solution lies in the advanced routing features of the linux kernel.
 This is described here:

Only the stuff in the first section was needed, since this computer
isn't routing traffic on behalf of other computers.  Now with routing
tables and special rules (the ip rule command) that mark packets and
bind them to a certain routing table, everything is working.

It turns out the same thing can be accomplished with iptables and packet
mangling, but I think the ip rule command actually sets the mangling
mechanism implicitly.

So basically if you ever have a machine that has two upstream providers
(multi-homed interface), you'll need to at least implement routing in
this way.

Michael Torrie
Assistant CSR, System Administrator
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

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