I have a domain, charlescurley.com, with its name, etc. served by
domain name servers out there on the net somewhere. I also have my
local area network, with machines like foo, bar, and baz. The network
is NATted and not visible outside of the firewall.

I currently use the TLD "localdomain" for the LAN, so resolv.conf
looks like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# cat resolv.conf 
search localdomain

I set up an experimental server on a test machine which has the domain
"charlescurley.com" and is authoritative for it. Since it is on the
LAN, only machines on the LAN can see it or use it. I have local
machines working correctly, e.g. foo.charlescurley.com resolves
correctly. Its resolv.conf looks like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/named/etc/sites# cat /etc/resolv.conf 
search charlescurley.com

The local machines are on, but the server for
charlescurley.com isn't.

The question is, how do I get the local name server to correctly serve
up "charlescurley.com" (and "www.charlescurley.com", an alias for
charlescurley.com) to the local network.

I already know I can stick it in /etc/hosts, but that has all the
problems that using /etc/hosts normally has. I'd like to do it with



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