On 1/2/08, Dave Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am looking for a watchdog daemon that monitors individual processes
> (given a pid file for each one), and restarts one if its pid is found to
> not be running. This is different than the typical watchdog, which would
> reboot the entire computer if a problem were found. Does this exist? I
> would also like for it to quit watchdogging a process if it continually
> crashes (i.e., if it is restarted N times in M seconds), or at least
> slow down on the restart interval. Any ideas?

/etc/inittab can do this with the respawn option, although it's not

http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/svc.html also does most of what you want.
Not sure if it throttles restarts after too many crashes.

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