My opinion is, there is very little difference between republicans and democrats, pretty much they are all controlled by big business and the media which funds their campaigns and allows them to be elected It doesn't matter you pretty much get the same president whether they are democrat or republican with minor small differences.

Hill, Greg wrote:
I'm a Conservative.  Most often, I agree with conservative
Republicans.  Bush is not a conservative.  He spends like a drunken
sailor.  He tramples the constitution (patriot act).  He disregards
our federal laws by rewarding (rather than punishing) those who have
come here illegally.  He is not a conservative.

In that regard, neither is his father, nor was Reagan, nor Nixon.  Hell,
what Republican president has actually upheld those values?  Just look
at our national deficit trends and you'll see that while Republicans
claim to be against big government and wasteful spending, they are the
worse offenders when it comes to reality.

Democrats have the most to gain by continuing to allow voter fraud.
The EFF is chaired by prominent democrats.  It doesn't take much to
connect the dots.  I wouldn't care if the Republican party started
playing kissy face with the illegal alien population (oh wait!  they
have!) and were going to get all the votes.  Voter fraud shouldn't be
allowed.  Trivial measures could be put in place to largely solve this
problem -- just show the poll dude some ID.  No big deal.

Thus far, the voter fraud has been tied predominately to Republicans.
There was fraud in Florida in 2000 to get Bush elected, and again in
Ohio in 2004 to get him re-elected.  So, if the Democrats continue to
allow it, we'll get another Republican in office.  How does that benefit
them, exactly?

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