On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hans Fugal wrote:
>  > any reason you don't just put that in ~/.gvimrc?
>  Mainly because gvim sources .vimrc and I like to have one file that
>  works in both the terminal and the gui.  It's annoying that macvim won't
>  source vimrc.  Why is there a separate rc file for gvim anyway?  I'd
>  prefer everything all in one place.

MacVim sources .vimrc, it's just that for some reason if you want to
tinker with the menus you have to have that stuff in a .gvimrc file.
It's probably just hard-coded somewhere.  If I find it while I'm
digging through and tinkering I'll fix that too.

Alex Esplin

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