On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>  > Chris Carey wrote:
>  >> MythTV for iPhone allows you to watch your TV shows recorded on your
>  >> MythTV DVR on your iPhone.
>  >>
>  >
>  > Awesome!!! I presume it will also work with  iPod Touch?
>  Should.  It's a just a web app, although designed to work in Safari on
>  the iPhone/iPod.  All the magic of actually watching the shows is simply
>  a transcoding to mpeg-4 on the backend, and then embedding the video in
>  a html page that the built-in quicktime viewer (hardware accelerated of
>  course) can display.  Very simple concept, but very cool, and well done.
>   However you can't watch live TV.  For me, personally, I don't care much
>  about live TV, so it promises to work very well.
>  I presume the code that will be released is the custom web backend stuff
>  (kind of like mythweb, but for the iPhone).  Thanks Chris!
>  Michael

Yep, you're on the money. It's just a web app that is the equivalent
to MythWeb, but with Joe Hewett's iUI iPhone/iPod interface so it
looks pretty on the iPhone/iTouch.

I would also like to incorporate the iPhone remote for MythTV into
this project (if it's license allows it), but that is a lower
priority: http://www.legatissimo.info/node/355

It would be awesome if we could get ffmpeg to transcode on-the-fly and
stream on a file that is still being written to. This could open up
the door to live TV watching. However, on my hardware it is taking
appx 1 hour to transcode the file to quicktime on a 1 hour show! not
too snappy, not sure if on-the-fly will be possible.

There are already significant improvements on my development branch
over what is being shown in the demo.


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