Nathan Gilbert wrote:
... But the last point sounds like darwinism to me...
a misused theology.

It was tempting bait, but I really don't want to delve into a discussion
of Evolution, even though it may be the quickest route to Godwin's law
being invoked on this thread. :)

the darwin thingy was not a bait per se. Just fresh influence on my
perspective from watching Ben Stein's "expelled" documentary yesterday
(which was good and engaging, from the point he came from).

principles that I base my comments on are set forth in the Constitution, not in modern day interpretation as a some living document subject to the whims of mankind nor the good intentions of over zealous people to be considered advanced or progressive thinkers.

Why did the founders give us the power to change the constitution then? I think this is one of the document's most important features.

they had the wisdom to know they did not have all the answers and that
more would arise later. But the redefinition of the Constitution during
the last 100 years or so as a "living document" has been promoted mostly
by socialists (as initiators of such thought) that wish alter a few
things to their tastes, something even Jefferson and others warned
against (reearch some of the controversy behind the bill of rights). So
it's the interpretation by so called modern standards that I take issues
with.  We can design out own rules of engagement within that framework
in our own contexts and as we desire, but to change the basis or intent
behind the initial creation or choice of words is something that is
troublesome, when even the framers have outlined their intents and
perspectives in other writings, which seems to be overlooked in most of
the education systems nowadays.  There is movement to change the
historical perceptions and it's ever so sly in "its" methods, doing it
piece by piece (think fabian socialists, which are dominating a few
political and gubermental circles right now).

I fell for this ideology myself for many years, so personally it's sorta
like breaking an addiction where ya then have a strong reaction to being
around the instruments of that addiction afterwards.  After studying a
bit on this topic, this is why I'm passionate about Constitutional
thingies and many of the related and popular misconceptions... even if
it goes way off topic and gets a few folks upset (mostly from my
approaches, rather than the topic).  But this does not preclude me from
seeking or supporting remedies to any problems we face, I just don't
want to associate it with basic rights, as that quickly turns into a
slippery slope allowing issues to be subject to even more speculation as
to what can be considered basic and core rights.

If citizens forget why the Constitution exists and/or fail to protect
the principles as intended, then it becomes just another piece of
historical paper or a legal document to be archived away.  It is the
basis for who we are as a country, It's the basis for what we believe in
as collaborative entities and individuals.  It's a cornerstone in our
greatness over the past couple of centuries.

Mister Ed

ps - I am done with this thread. Seems I have been more counter
productive than helpful the last few years. I am about character
building and helping those around me. That's why I'm in Open Source as
well.  But seems I'm not going to be any use in those regards on this
list as it started all wrong to begin with on day 1.  So I'll probably
be unsuscribing shortly and leaving PLUG (I might just lurk in the
shadows too) as I'm not looking to be the next Darth Vader of the list.
I prefer to be the Yoda type.  I don't think I can change that
perception now.  For those that I've come to know, thanks for accepting
me as I am. For those I didn't get to know well, thanks for putting up
with me, and to those that disrespect me: <beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep>.

PLUG:, #utah on
Don't fear the penguin.

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