Along the lines of the current Apple/Thawte/Thunderbird discussion, I am
curious about setting up Thunderbird for my wife. She runs a small business
and currently uses Outlook (not express). My wife is an email junkie. She
reads, writes and thinks about email like folks on skid row think about
their next bottle of firewater or next needle full o' smack. I suppose it's
not an unhealthy obsession, but I worry she is conducting lots of business
without the benefits of encryption and signing. 

I'm seeking suggestions for converting over to Thunderbird, with Enigmail or
whatever combination is required so that she can employ signing and
encryption more frequently. I am thinking that for those she conducts
frequent business, she could, with my help, send out a brief letter
explaining why they need to employ such measures, to keep communications


"If you can't afford Prevention now, how will you afford disease later?"


Sandy Chiropractic Office       Dr. Scott S. Jones

V: 801.566.5428                 MAILING ADDRESS
F: 801.858.9300                 PO Box 1154
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Sandy, Utah 84091-1154

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