On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 05:05:32PM -0600, Dallin Jones wrote:
> I am looking at migrating my Postfix Mail server from one machine to
> another. I have it all set up and working and I am ready to flip the
> switch. One thing that I have noticed in my testing is that once I
> change the IP address to the new address, the mail client doesn't
> fetch any mail from the new server unless I delete the account and
> create it again.

I gather you're using hard coded IP addreses. Silly boy, even I know
better than that. :-) I'd look at using an MX record in your DNS
setup. As others have noted, it can take a while for it to propagate,
and on some clients the change may require a reboot.

> Also, since the server is setup with IMAP, to copy all the messages
> from machine A to machine B, should I use rsync, or is there something
> else that should be used?

Be sure to shut both instances of Postfix off while you do so.


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