+++ Lonnie Olson [22/05/08 12:01 -0600]:
> > I can connect to and log into the server just fine.  The session works great
> > as long as I am actively doing something in the shell.  However, if I let it
> > sit idle for (it seems) < 1 minute, the session seems to just lock up.
> Many consumer routers/DSL modems do not handle long running SSH
> connections well.  They sometimes tend to kill the connection
> prematurely.  You can experiment with the SSH options TCPKeepAlive,
> and ServerAlive in the client to see if you can avoid it.  However
> more often than not the problem is caused by the router itself.


What then, about the design of so many routers, causes the connections,
whether ssh sessions or others to fail? 


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