On Jun 18, 2008, at 11:43 AM, Doran L. Barton wrote:

Not long ago, Thad Van Ry proclaimed...
I personally like big tall trees mixed between the houses. That's my
problem with most "McMansion" subdivisions.

Mmmmm. I think I'll go to McDonalds for lunch today.

And just to set the record straight, I'm also not one who believes
that man has caused any type of global warming.

Right on, Thad. Right on.

I took my daughter to a birthday party yesterday. Her friend's neighborhood is very upscale (in the Boise, ID area) and very new. Most homes likely sell in the $500-750k range, and are 2-3 story 5000 sqft monstrosities. Driving up the street to the home of her friend, I was stunned to realize that what I thought was 1 really large house turned out to be 3 separate homes placed so close together as to appear to be one long building when you were viewing them at an angle of more than about 30 degrees.

Personally, I dislike this - I grew up in the midwest (St. Louis area) where tall trees are everywhere, houses were pretty far apart, and everyone had about a half acre or more. What's the point in laying out a half MILLION dollars on a house that is so close to the neighbors you could almost hop from your back deck to theirs?

Someday I hope to own at least an acre where I can stick my McMansion.

- Kimball

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