<quote name="Dan Stovall" date="Wed, 18 Jun 2008 at 14:44 -0600">
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Steven Alligood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Unless, of course, your voting of your ideals results in them being taken
> > away.
> Ideals are given up, they can't be taken away.  Perhaps you mean
> "rights".  That is a stickier issue of course, I would argue that both
> candidates we have to choose from pose a real threat of taking away
> rights.  So then, who should I vote for?  The one that will take away
> the least rights, or the rights I care about least?  Because they are
> all pretty precious to me, even the ones that I don't exercise on a
> regular basis.
> > The only way to fix the current system is from within.  If you vote for
> > someone who has no chance of winning, you are doing nothing to make this a
> > better country; you're just complaining, but unwilling to help.
> > If you vote for someone who has no chance of winning, you have no right to
> > complain about the winner, because you did not take the opportunity given
> > you to effect the outcome.
> Tell that to Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison.  There are
> other ways to change the system.  I am not one to advocate bloody
> revolution.  But the options you want to limit people to are what lead
> to revolutions.  I hate having to choose between a douche and a turd
> sandwich over and over.  Therefore I go with option C that I research
> and find that I agree with enough to earn my vote. And then you blame
> people like me for the fact that you keep choosing a douche or a turd
> sandwich?  Are you crazy?  I absolutely have the right to complain
> about the policies of a politician whether or not I voted for them or
> their primary opponent, or a 3rd party candidate that I actually
> agreed with.  The 1st amendment is not limited to people that vote
> Democrat or Republican.  I am sorry if this sounds angry, but your
> arrogance makes my blood boil.

Kudos! Well said!

Von Fugal

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