Bryan Sant wrote:

  But why can we not expect the mistreated
employee to excersize choice for themselves, quit and find another job
and/or sue their employer?

There's two parts to this question. I'll deal with the easy part first. In order for an employee to sue their employer there must first be laws to sue them over. So once again government. I understand that you are probably arguing that we could do away with the inspectors and allow people to sue when they feel their is a need. There is part of me that agrees with you then there is the part of me that *loathes* unenforced(or randomly enforced) laws, they generally lead to great abuses(read about teddy roosevelt and drinking on sundays).

The other part of this question I will answer by bringing up an other teddy example(bet you can't guess who my favorite president is). Back at the turn of the century the conditions in the meat packing plants were awful(I'm sure many of you have read the jungle). Individual states couldn't control it because they lacked authority to sanction meat packing plants out side of their boundaries. Now you could argue that people should have just bought meat from places that were clean. There really weren't any, and if you want to know why I suggest you got to wikipedia and look up A Market For Lemons.

Now that said, I think most of us agree that power should be as local as possible, but we do seem to draw the lines about where it is necessary. I'm glad that we all seem to agree there are great abuses by both sides. I wish I had the audio recording from John Dougal(a state rep for the Alpine area) when he told me the purpose of patents is to give companies a monopoly so they can began making money and THEN innovate. This was in relation to a discussion about the state using open document formats. Apparently MS needs Utah to force all of it's students to use their products so MS will have money to innovate other wise innovation won't happen. That's the sort of argument that I think we all disagree with. Oh also I was told if the state was to use an open document format it would interefere with the free market, but using a proprietary one does not.


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