Von Fugal wrote:
<quote name="Shane Hathaway" date="Sat, 28 Jun 2008 at 02:15 -0600">
Von, you really need to just put up a web site about your theories on how to properly structure the government. It would lend a lot more credibility to your arguments than these emotional debates do. You could even have a big FAQ section that responds to people's misgivings about your ideas.

There's already a Campaign for Liberty website.

It's too bad you have to fall back on that site (www.campaignforliberty.com), since the site has scary connotations:

- The book is named "The Revolution: A Manifesto"? Seriously? The title is reminiscent of Marx.

- "The Revolution Continues" has a clever emphasis on the word "love" spelled backwards. I don't know if this is intended to remind the reader of substance-starved ideas like "make love, not war", but it does for me.

- With so many references to Ron Paul, the site seems like a thinly disguised campaign to elect Ron Paul rather than the home page for a political movement.

I can't advocate or donate to a group with such an unclear message. I looked at the mission statement, and it's reasonable until the statement "Our stances on other issues can be deduced from these general principles". The problem is that everyone will make different deductions. I need to see a list of those deductions before I can make any decisions about this movement.


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