On 12 Sep 2008, at 15:47, Mike Lovell wrote:

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
On 12 Sep 2008, at 15:40, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

You can easily fit two 30-inch monitors into $3000.  As for specific
brands, we have 3 different brands of 30" here (Apple, Dell, and HP)
and I can't really tell any difference.  Just get the cheapest. :)

Where are you getting sub $1500 30" cinema displays?


I doubt you will find an Apple display for that price but that is because you are paying a brand tax. If I remember right, they use the same panels so image quality should be about the same. The difference is the case and port options on the monitor.

From Jonathan's comment, I got the impression that he could get Apple, Dell, and HP all two for under $3000. And, by "cinema displays," I meant Apple Cinema Display.

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