On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Lee Higginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I consult for a very small company who is running groupwise 6.5 on sles 9
> small business.  I'm looking for someone who can help me come up with a
> disaster plan for when the box eventually dies.
> I backup the domain and groupwise databases each night with dbcopy.  I want
> to take these copies of the databases, move them to a new server, and
> successfully bring up the system on the new box.  I've been trying to do
> this in a vm but haven't had much success.  It's probably an easy task for
> someone who has worked with groupwise/nds more than me.  It may be easy but
> I can afford to fork over $200-$300 dollars for some instruction on how to
> do this successfully.  Anyone???
> Thanks,
> Lee

You might contact Danita of Caledonia.net.
http://www.caledonia.net/company.html   I've worked with her before and she
was very helpful.


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