On 03/11/2009 10:25 AM, Garth Hill wrote:
I'm looking to replace my shoddy wireless router and I have the following questions for the myriads of (knowledgeable, experienced) sysadmins and hobbyists on this list:

1. Is it preferable to have a regular router and then a wireless access point, or a wireless router?
That depends. I keep them separate, but I just so I can upgrade them independently.
2. Is 802.11n the way to go yet?
If you need the speed.
3. What are your suggestions of a good router and/or WAP based on these priorities: reliability, speed, price?
I'm getting ready to buy 2 of these (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124262&Tpk=wrt600n) and put something like [open|dd]wrt on them. I can't find the review right now, but I have read reviews that benchmark the Dual-Band routers, and they are faster. So if you have a need for speed and can afford it, that's what I would recommend, having just done the research for myself.

My bridged 802.11g network is just barely too slow to stream HD. So I'm gonna upgrade.

My current setup is 3 of these (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817201523) bridging 3 wired networks in my house. They have worked flawlessly for years. I don't think you'll ever put linux on them, but the firmware has bridging capability built-in, so it does what I needed. When transferring files over wireless wget or scp show between 1.5 and 2.5 MB/s throughput. Highly recommended if 802.11g is fast enough for you.


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