>What do you mean by "SEE"? You can't get on the network? You >don't see it in Places-> Network? I'm going to assume the >former, because 1) I never use the latter, and 2) you don't >want to use "Windows networking" (aka Samba) anyway.
By 'see' I mean, even though each machine can access resources on the 'net, non can connect to and access LOCAL resources, despite all being connected through the same router. On one machine I can see a window's network icon, but I click on it and generate a permissions error, that I don't have sufficient permissions to access those resources. In suggestion I avoid Samba, are you indicating that NFS would work much better? Samba has always, until now, worked well for me, but I am willing to give NFS a shot. I really don't care which I use, as long as I can enable sharing among these machines and establish remote access and control that works too. >This sounds like a networking problem. Does your DHCP server >have an entry for the spare machine? If not, I would use >ifconfig and route to manually set up the spare machine >(assuming this is a one-off job). First, on Ubuntu, take >NetworkManager out and shoot it. On my router's web admin screen, it shows machines on my LAN, even though those machines can't talk to each other. I have uninstalled NetworkManager, even though it was working fine. >/etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop > > >Then, adjusting to suit your network: > >IF=eth0 >ifconfig $IF > >route del default >route add default gw >route -n > >cat > /etc/resolv.conf <<EORES >search localdomain >nameserver >nameserver >nameserver >EORES > >ifconfig $IF Are these in a script, or just entered at the command prompt? I don't mean to sound ignorant here, but I am not sure how to use these. >You should now be on the network. Ping a known good host by IP >address to verify networking, then by host name to verify name lookup. > >Then use rsync, as Nicholas suggested, and *NOT* samba. > >Personally, I'd use finnix for this. Much faster boot time, >and no NetworkManager to get in your way. Is 'finnix' then a replacement for NetworkManager? Scott /* PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug Don't fear the penguin. */