On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 02:39:21PM -0600, Alex Esplin wrote:
> Hey all,
> After an unpleasant experience with an Ubuntu upgrade yesterday I'm
> ready to switch back to something a little more user-configurable.
> This is on my work box, so as much as I like Gentoo, I'd rather not
> have to play the
> "build-everything-from-source-every-time-anything-is-upgraded" game,
> and a few people have suggested Arch, so Arch it is.
> My question is how to install it without having it stomp on my /home
> which is on its own partition.  I plan on backing up /home, but
> there's a _lot_ of my work on there that I'd be _very_ upset if it got
> lost.
> So what's the best plan?  Ignore /dev/sda3 for the installation and
> slip it in /etc/fstab after I'm done? Or is there a better way?

That's basically what I have done in similar situations.

Let the installation build a user account for you on the root
partition. Then move what it creates somewhere else, then add your
partition to /etc/fstab. That way you can copy or move anything it
creates for you to your partition.

You may have to adjust UIDs and GIDs on the partition. "chown -r" is
your friend.


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