I was able to get phpmyadmin up and running.

I used cookies to auth rather than config - that way I don't have to store
the user name and password in the config file.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Jon Jensen <j...@endpoint.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Michael Torrie wrote:
>  pg_hba.conf is used to determine who can *connect*.
>> But why is this needed at all?  MySQL lets me control all of this without
>> ever having to touch the config file, which is kind of important in a hosted
>> environment where the MySQL server is shared among many customers.
> It could certainly be done differently, but that's the way it's been done.
> It's a separation of authentication from authorization. All the
> network-level connection concerns are done in that configuration file, while
> all the post-connection questions about authorization are done in the
> database schema itself.
> You can make a change to pg_hba.conf and send a HUP signal to load it
> without disrupting service.
> Postgres's users are a little different from MySQL's. In MySQL they're
> arbitrary login and access names. In Postgres they are system roles that
> actually own objects -- if you try to delete one it will tell you that that
> role still owns objects.
> Jon
> --
> Jon Jensen
> End Point Corporation
> http://www.endpoint.com/
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