Jones, Scott (GE Money, consultant) wrote:
My question is this.. Can I get the machines on the two routers talking
to each other, i.e., my wife's laptop on the first wrt54g wireless
router, which is plugged into one port of the SMC device, WITH the other
machines which are attached to the other WRT54G router, which is plugged
into another SMC device port?
Can these all talk and share and get along? What am I overlooking in
getting this all set up?

So as I understand it you have:

->WRT54G -> wife's laptop
Cable Modem -> SMC Gateway device -|
->WRT54G -> ubuntu,printer

I'm a little unclear on what your "SMC Gateway device" is or what it is doing. It's important to understand that all of these devices may be functioning as gateway, routers, dhcp servers, firewalls,switches. The easiest thing to do is to plug one router into the cable modem buy a plain switch and ebay the rest. This will allow you to print from any device on your network.


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