Michael Torrie wrote:
> Is there any utility program that can wrap a daemon running in an init
> script on RHEL 5 that can auto-restart the actual daemon process when it
> crashes?  Obviously a crashing daemon isn't desirable, but sometimes it
> happens and in this case a restart is sufficient and desired.  I'd like
> to still work with a script from /etc/init.d, though, so the standard
> runtime logic can apply to it.  Does anyone have a good solution?  I
> thought about writing a little python program to fork the daemon child
> (gotta love it!) and monitor it for SIGTERM or SIGKILL and restart it.
> The init.d script could treat the python program as the daemon itself.
> If the python script got a kill signal it would pass it on to the child
> and then exit.  The changes of the python program dying are much smaller
> than the daemon I'm trying to respawn.



I like it, but not just because it's Python. ;-)  It really has all the 
features listed on the home page.


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