Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Sasha Pachev wrote:
>> Question for EE geeks. I want to have something like this. Sensor A,
>> Sensor B, Sensor C, let's say up to 16 sensors. Each separated from
>> each other by no more than 2 meters at any given time. Each sensor
>> needs to be small enough that if you attached it to the body and tried
>> to run you would not feel encumbered. So maybe up to the size of a
>> watch. Powered by something like CR2032 battery. Then there is a base.
>> The base can ask any of the sensors how far away they are from a given
>> peer at any time. Base can be stationary and plug into a wall.
> I wonder if one of these newfangled cameras would work:

In fact, Microsoft claims to be developing the tech you want. :-(

I really hope a Linux driver will be possible.


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