Jeff Moyes wrote:
> All,
> Dumb question and i should know the answer - can you have multiple 
> DBMSes running at the same time on the same server? (I would think yes 
> with possibly the proviso that they are listening on different ports?)

I didn't know MSSQL could run on Linux.

> I'm doing a project for someone who has a co-located windows box that 
> runs multiple sites using IIS and MSSQL but we're looking at installing 
> a new web app that requires mySQL. Can we keep the existing site on the 
> IIS+MSSQL and have it peacefully coexist with IIS+mySQL?

I host MySQL and PostgreSQL on the same box.

I'm not sure anything can peacefully coexist with IIS.  But yes, IIS and
MSSQL should be able to handle MySQL as well on the same box.

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