On Wed, January 6, 2010 8:44 pm, Matthew Walker wrote:
> On Wed, January 6, 2010 8:24 pm, Matt Nelson wrote:
>> P.S. I think the Arduino has been one of the funnest gifts that I have
>> gotten for Christmas in a long time.  Anyone that has not looked into them
>> yet should take a look!
> I'm going to try and get one tomorrow morning from Free Day. They've got a 
> kit for
> around $60 that looks perfect. And I might pick up a couple extras for it, 
> like an
> Ethernet port, and maybe something else.
> Am I correct that I don't need any tools for most stuff with Arduino?

Okay, everyone get off the website, so I can order my stuff. ;)

Matthew Walker
Kydance Hosting & Consulting, Inc. - http://www.kydance.net/
PHP, Perl, and Web Development - Linux Server Administration

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