On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 19:12:33 -0700
Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Corey Edwards wrote:
> > Something fishy is going on, but I wouldn't be quite so quick to
> > place blame. I'm getting the same error from my cable at home. A
> > traceroute bails out after getting to their network provider
> > (Datotel).
> Interesting.  I can ping www.freeutopia.org, but I cannot make an http
> connection to it.

The relevant article:

UTOPIA Announces That They Will Pursue Google Fiber RFI

Posted by Jesse under Cheers, News
[3] Comments

Today on the steps of city hall in West Valley City, UTOPIA announced
their intention to pursue an RFI with Google on their ambitious
fiber-to-the-home project. Mayors of several of the cities spoke
strongly in favor of the idea and provided examples of how UTOPIA fiber
is already enriching their cities. Several also pointed out that Google
plans to use a model almost exactly like UTOPIA which validates their

Several private companies, including Thomas Arts, spoke strongly in
favor of UTOPIA and the value it provided for their growing businesses.
It was also announced that Connected Lyfe has joined the network as a
new service provider, though it’s not entirely clear as to what
services they plan to offer.


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