On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 11:40:12AM -0600, Dave Smith wrote:
> The part arrived today and after a few minutes of hacking, it works 
> beautifully. I didn't have to install or configure anything for 
> /dev/ttyUSB0 to appear. And now I have a very simple python script that 
> can turn the relay on:
>    f=open("/dev/ttyUSB0","wb")
>    for byte in [0xff, 0x01, 0x00]:
>      f.write(chr(byte))
>    f.close()
> (Is there a one-liner to do this?)

Write that to myscript.py and your one-liner is "myscript.py". :) Python
really isn't about one-liners.  Fortunately, modern Linux distributions
come with filesystems, so creating files is easy. :)

If you really wanted to do a one liner, I'm sure there are plenty of
ways that are possible, but I personally think your script is great

> I wired the relay such that when the USB connection is lost, the power 
> stays on. It works wonderfully.

Cool.  Thanks for sharing your fun hack.

Andrew McNabb
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