On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Grant Shipley <gship...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Henry Hertz Hobbit <
> hhhob...@securemecca.com> wrote:
>> I am considering unsubscribing.  I also didn't attend your
>> meeting and probably won't.  I think your PLUG is like a lot of
>> other LUGs and is going to disappear.
> It's very easy to do, just visit:
> http://plug.org/mailman/listinfo/plug
> and click unsubscribe.  In fact, your long winded dribble made me re-asses
> if I want to subscribe to the list as well.  I decided I don't.  With that,
> I bid you all farewell and happy linuxing.
> --
> grant

I have gotten a bunch of private emails over the weekend with people asking
me if I was serious.

The answer: No.    After being on the list for 13 years*, its gonna take a
little more than that to get me to leave. I don't even live in Utah for
crying out loud and yet I continue to troll........


* I am not sure how long I have actually been on the list but I guessing it
was around 1998.  I joined to try and figure out how to get my internal
winmodem to work so I could dial up XMission.  I ended up buying an external
US Robotics and haven't looked back since. :)

PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net
Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug
Don't fear the penguin.

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