On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Charles Curley
<charlescur...@charlescurley.com> wrote:
> > My company is proposing installing an NTLM-based filtering proxy
> > and shutting down all other internet access. This of course is not too
> friendly to Linux users. What does your company do to deal with
> malware?

My company has, maybe, a half-dozen Windows users. The rest of the
company is on Linux (primarily Ubuntu). We don't have an issue. I
imagine if/when we do, we'll simply migrate those users to Linux.

I heard (I could be way off here) that is the policy at Xmission.
Employees can use Windows, but once they get burned with
viruses/malware/etc, they get an Ubuntu CD as a "special prize".


World Domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world Optimization.

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