
I am looking for a simple, reliable server that will act as nothing but 
a bridging (transparent) firewall.  It will run Linux, it must be rack 
mountable, it must have 2 ethernet ports, and I think it should have a 
redundant power supply.  It's easy to find cheap servers, but the 
requirement for a redundant power supply narrows the choices and raises 
the prices.

This will be for WingCash, a new service I just helped launch.  We 
already have a good firewall in the form of iptables rules, but for 
absolute safety, we should have an external firewall too.

Thanks for any recommendations.


P.S. Everyone should check out wingcash.com... unlike PayPal, it doesn't 
require a bank account, it's transparent for accountability, it has many 
branding opportunities, and there are no fees for in-network transfers, 
even for businesses.  Unfortunately, we can't yet make WingCash 
available for individuals in Utah, but we're working on that. 
Meanwhile, WingCash is available for all businesses in the USA.  Plus, 
if you have any troubles, you can yell at me and I'll hear you! ;-)

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