On 09 Feb 2011, at 11:41, Eric Olsen wrote:

>> I was thinking doing the same.  Which server software do you run, standard
>> or custom, classic or beta?
> I run standard beta. I used to run classic as well, but my boys have stopped
> asking to play classic and only play beta now. I used to have it running on
> my primary server, but have since discovered MineOS which I recommend to
> anyone who wants to run their own server. It's the entire OS, so you can't
> run it on an already existing server, but if you can handle that then it's
> nice to have everything set up for you including a (very basic) web
> interface. I have an ESX server at home, so it was easy to set it up on it's
> own VM.
>> And how resource intensive is it?  I mean, would it cause problems if I
>> put it on the same server as some web sites I have?
> You can configure it to set how much memory you want to allocate to it, as
> far as I can tell it's mostly memory-intensive. I give mine 2GB, but by
> default MineOS had it set to 1GB. I didn't notice any performance problems
> while running it, but my website isn't really used much anymore. I did
> notice that when my kids would watch a movie off the same server remote
> players would get disconnected, but I never got dropped playing on the same
> Another plus of MineOS, others have been mentioning c10t and other plugins,
> MineOS comes with those with a nice button to generate the maps on-the-fly
> and web access to see the maps. I've had fun with that. I've also configured
> mine to run in RAM Disk (even though I probably don't really need it with
> just a few people), and also incremental backups. I haven't set up the
> plugin yet, but it has built-in support for bukkit. MineOS has tutorials on
> most of these options.
> minecraft.codeemo.com

Oh wow, that is very cool!  Hmmm... now the tough decision is whether to put it 
on a box at home or just throw it into the cloud somewhere... perhaps a Linode 
or Rackspace...

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