On 04/16/2011 04:31 PM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
> On 04/16/2011 03:49 PM, Andy Bradford wrote:
>> Thus said Shane Hathaway on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 12:41:31 MDT:
>>> I want to  include this idea in  the password meters I  create for web
>>> applications. I need a better password scoring algorithm. I don't want
>>> to *require*  any minimum  password complexity  (other than  a minimum
>>> password  length), but  I  do want  to  help the  user  choose a  good
>>> password.
>> Inform them  of the  risks of  using a  bad password  and what  kinds of
>> information will  be compromised due  to a  bad password, let  them make
>> their own risk assessment. Offer a  button that says ``Generate a secure
>> password for me,'' and  then call apg -a 1 -M  SLNC (or whatever options
>> you think are good for your appliations),  serve it up to them over SSL,
>> and see if they take it. If this  isn't enough to convince them to use a
>> stronger password, then they have been warned.
> Hmm, "apg -a 1 -M SLNC" produces:
> K`4i-&]r
> <*Xe>o]4
> ,ru7V;RO}x
> CFp<7xY[?
> K,$q42lC<Y
> C3@-*TD\k
> These are all insecure passwords because nearly everyone will write them
> down.  Maybe you're saying we should scare people into using better
> passwords, but I suggest people don't react well to being frightened.
> I want to achieve better security by leveraging more human strengths.
> In particular, I think we humans are very good at handling words, while
> we are not as good at handling individual characters.  We can't easily
> treat our linguistic memory as digital.
> Shane
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We had a big discussion on password security and SSO back when I was in 
college. We came to the same conclusion that the best passwords were 
also the riskiest to use for the greater risk of physically compromising 
the password.

One of my classmates favored an easy to remember keyboard combination 
like 5tgbBGT%. Not the best as far as randomness or patterns, but easy 
to remember.

I came up with using the make or model of a familiar device, car, plane, 
chainsaw, whatever, and substituting a couple of the letters for symbols 
to increase the strength. 20GBIntelSSD -> 20GB!nt3l$$D
Still fairly easy to remember and quite secure.


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