On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Henry Paul <he...@paulfam.com> wrote:

> On 05/03/2011 08:42 AM, Tod Hansmann wrote:
> > Video card is an nVidia deal I already have, and I already have an Areca
> > 4-port RAID card and drives to put on it, so that will be moving from my
> > current desktop.  This is all because my current mobo seems to have an
> > issue that causes my PC to restart at random points.
> >
> >
> > -Tod Hansmann
> >
> Tod,
> The last time I had a PC randomly reboot as you describe without an OS
> crash it turned out to be the PSU. I only found it after swapping the
> motherboard did not solve the problem.
> -Henry
> I appreciate that insight, but my point was only in explaining my reasoning
behind the discussion, which I guess wasn't entirely necessary, not that I
was trying to troubleshoot this.  Though not known to most, I actually work
with computers for a living as a sysadmin and know a thing or two about
troubleshooting hardware.  I've swapped power supplies (especially after my
first one completely died) looked at cables, and done everything else I can
with spare hardware.  The only components I haven't been able to swap out
due to lack of adequate hardware are the CPU/Mobo/RAM, of which I only have
this set compatible with each other.

Heat, however, is a different issue.  I've thought it could be heat, but it
happens when the machine is idle, and I have a VERY well ventilated system,
including a set of fans specifically for the memory.  If if was heat, I'd
have to say it was the video card at this point, but that can't be right as
I've had marathon gaming sessions without a problem.  Sometimes the machine
will go days, DAYS without rebooting.

I actually think it's the SATA controller on the mobo, but that's just a
hunch.  If it will satisfy anyone, I'm happy to do some more troubleshooting
to feed idle curiosity, though it will have to fit into my schedule.  I'm
not going home for lunch to try something out =c)

Anyone have any negative feedback on any of these parts?  Anything that
would be a warning to others?

-Tod Hansmann

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