On Tue, May 3, 2011 5:20 pm, Robert Merrill wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Matthew Walker <mwal...@kydance.net> wrote:
>> I've never had a good experience with recruiters.
> Ouch. Ouch.
> I can't tell exactly, but I think I may be in the minority here when I
> state that I think you should let the poor recruiters join the list if
> they want and let them sink or swim.  I say, if they can handle the
> content of the list, and the inherent potential of scathing flames
> when they violate the community's rules, then let them in.  By gosh
> sakes, they might actually LEARN something about Linux if we're not
> careful.

That's not to say it's impossible to have a good experience. I've just been 
enough times to stay clear. As for your suggestions, I have no problems if 
someone on
the list happens to be a recruiter, as long as the REASON they're on the list 
isn't to
post jobs and mine contact information.

If they participate actively in the list (or even lurk, while paying attention 
to the
subject matter), that's fine by me. But if they start tossing junk job listings 
onto the
list, they deserve whatever scorn and humiliation can be heaped upon them.

Matthew Walker                          HAM Call Sign: N7TOX
Kydance Hosting & Consulting, Inc. - http://www.kydance.net/
PHP, Perl, and Web Development - Linux Server Administration

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