On Wed, May 4, 2011 2:13 pm, Spencer Gibb wrote:
> Sorry for the linux related post ;-)
> I have another laptop available to me to use.  Rather than install on the
> smaller hard drive (and transfer data), I want to move my hard drive from
> one laptop to another.  My current fstab uses UUID's.  Should I keep it that
> way when I move it, or change fstab to use /dev/sdaX?

Stick with UUIDs, for sure. They eliminate several possible headaches. (What if 
enumerate in a different order sometimes? Don't laugh. I've had it happen, and 
it caused
no end of headaches, until I switched to using UUIDs.)

Matthew Walker                          HAM Call Sign: N7TOX
Kydance Hosting & Consulting, Inc. - http://www.kydance.net/
PHP, Perl, and Web Development - Linux Server Administration

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