So I have a fairly strange network setup going here, mainly out of
necessity.  I'll diagram it out below, with "WAP" meaning wireless
access device, and "Bridge" meaning a linksys router configure to be a
wireless client that bridges its network connections onto the wireless.
 A --- line means wireless connection, === is ethernet.  So here we go:

WAP1 <--- Bridge1 <=== WAP2 <--- Bridge2 === Device

The two WAPs operate on different channels and different SSIDs, but they
do share the same broadcast domain, and all DHCP is handled by the first
WAP.  It's one big subnet (well a dozen client devices total).

Anyway the problem is this.  From the first WAP or any device attached
to it, I can only ping either the second Bridge or the Device attached
to it, but not both at the same time.  However from any device attached
to the second WAP I can reach the device just fine, as well as the
Bridge2.  So I started sniffing.  I can see the ping requests on the
Bridge1 for both addresses, but only one responds, and the responses
eventually switch back and forth.  On WAP2, I can only see the ping
request and response for the ping that's actually working!  It's very
strange.  So maybe the packets are being dropped by the kernel on WAP2?

I should mention that from a device on WAP1 I can ping any device that's
attached (wireless or wired) to WAP2.

Eventually I would like to run hard wires instead of using bridges, but
for now I can't (would have to trench in 600' of cable).

Any ideas?


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