On Sun, May 29, 2011 9:56 am, Nicholas Leippe wrote:
> That is extremely counter-intuitive to me. The way I've been looking
> at it is by starting with the set of all natural numbers, yielding
> cardinality X, then removing from that set any number that doesn't
> belong in the other set (such as not prime, or not even, or not
> fibonacci) until the resultant set is achieved--and it *seems* like
> that would be fewer numbers and thus the cardinality would be less
> than X.

Your first sentence hits the nail on the head. Infinity is EXTREMELY 
It's a very bizarre 'number', and it really is something that our minds aren't 
to comprehend. Intuition doesn't /work/ with infinity.

Matthew Walker                          HAM Call Sign: N7TOX
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