On 11/17/2011 4:42 PM, Adam Dein wrote:
> As a result, I'd like to gauge interest in the community for server 
> colocation. I'd like to go in on a single cabinet and spread the cost equally 
> across colocation partners.
I would avoid this, unless you have the bandwidth to manage a small 
company venture like this properly with all the community social 
politics involved.  It is not likely to get ugly, but if it does, it 
would not be easy to handle, and could be costly in more than monetary ways.

That said, if you still want to find a good price on a 1-2U space, you 
might want to talk to Robert Martin (rmar...@westhost.com) over at 
Virtual Internet (www.vi.net) and see what price they can give you.  I 
have a 1U with them for personal use and it's not much more expensive 
than a linode, but I get more power because it's my own server.  =c)

They've been really good, and any complaint I could make is minor, even 
without taking the price into account.

-Tod Hansmann

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