On Friday, November 18, 2011 13:05:57 Chris Wood wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2011 12:45 PM, "Stuart Jansen" 
<sjan...@buscaluz.org> wrote:
> > My T61p is starting to show its age, but I'm having a hard time 
> > a replacement. Is it simply not possible to find a great laptop 
> > 
> > I'm looking for:
> >  - Matte screen
> >  - More than 1080 vertical pixels
> >  - A keyboard that doesn't suck
> >  - Good Linux compatiblity
> >  - High quality construction
> >  
> >    (able to withstand constant travel)
> > 
> > I'm willing to pay for quality, but it seems that most laptops 
> > are either crappy toys, crippled by sucky screens, or Macs.
> > 
> > Help me, Plug, you're my only hope!
> I'll avoid my typical rant about the suckiness of laptop 
resolutions these
> days. I had the T60, I think, and went with a Lenovo w510.  It is 
good unit.

I too have the w510. Excellent laptop. A bit heavy, but very 

Jessie Adan Morris
(801) 210-1526

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