On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Steve Meyers <steve-p...@spwiz.com> wrote:

> 6. If you are a programmer, which languages do you typically use?
>  - Java
>  - C/C++
>  - Perl
>  - PHP
>  - Python
>  - Ruby
>  - Objective C
>  - Javascript
>  - OCaml
>  - I am not a programmer

OCaml seems like an odd one to include here.  Here are some others:

- Standard ML
- Scala
- Lisp/Scheme/Clojure
- Lua
- Haskell
- Erlang
- C#
- F#
- Visual Basic (hey, if PHP counts...)
- Pascal/Delphi
- Groovy
- D
- x86 assembly
- ARM assembly
- Fortran
- Cobol

And that's without getting into really obscure ones.  Your original
list would probably capture most programmers these days if you
replaced OCaml with C#, though.


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